May 20, 2024
Health Trends that Will Stand the Test of Time

New fitness fads and trends pop up every year, but not all of them can make a lasting change. The ones that are capable of helping people in achieving their fitness goals are able to stick around. These are the trends that you should be interested in because they can help in transformations and can also give you fitness inspiration. After all, not everyone enjoys grinding in the gym on a daily basis. These health trends can also help you stay consistent because they can break the tedium and bring something new. Some of the popular health trends that are likely to stand the test of time are highlighted below.


There is no doubt that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become a very popular health trend these days and this is primarily because it is quite effective. Multiple studies have shown that HIIT is helpful in burning more calories than you would through traditional cardio. This training protocol involves intense exercise of few minutes followed by few minutes of low activity and on and on it goes. It was initially used for cardio, but now other disciplines like yoga, rowing and boxing are also using it. Thus, you can expect it to remain effective and help you in navigating the fitness landscape.

Fitness data

In the last few years, the popularity of wearable fitness trackers has been on the rise. Most people in the gym now wear some digital band, whether it is a Garmin watch, Fitbit, or an Apple Watch. Since these devices are being widely adopted, it is a given that the daily activity data that you can get is only going to get more accurate and detailed. From your heart rate to calories burnt to your sleep pattern, you can have access to fitness data that can be useful for ensuring peak performance.


Atkins diet, grapefruit diet, paleo diet, and keto diet and so on; the number of diet plans that have been introduced is endless and this trend is also unlikely to change. New diet plans will continue to come and go because people want to have an eating plan. This health trend is unlikely to change and you will always have some new kind of diet to try.

Hybrid yoga

It is a well-known fact that yoga is a great way to increase your mindfulness, flexibility and strength. But, instead of traditional yoga, it is hybrid yoga that is becoming a major health trend. This particular yoga subset simply involves the use of yoga-like moves in different workouts. For instance, some of these moves have been incorporated into Pilates, or CrossFit. Likewise, even goat yoga i.e. yoga with goats has also become a trend.

Percussion massagers

Most weightlifters are the ones who have made this health trend popular. It involves using a power tool for punishing your sore muscles. While they have been around for a while, percussion massagers are quite expensive, so not everyone can afford them. But, they are likely to stick around in the long term.