Getting up and going for a run can seem very tough, but once you are able to find the motivation to do it, you will certainly be pleased with the results. While it is very easy to drum up excuses for avoiding something, the important thing is to come up with reasons to counter the excuses you have drummed up. You need to have motivation to get into action and some of the top tips that ca help you get motivated for a run are highlighted as follows.
Get competitive
If you enjoy participating in competition, then it is a good idea to find a group of people you can go on a run with. This will help you track your running time and keep up the pace.
Give yourself a reward
Just because you grow up does not mean you stop needing prizes. Set up a reward system for yourself. These can be something as simple as booking a massage, or sleeping for an extra 30 minutes. As long as you are getting a reward for going on a run, it can provide you with the incentive you need to get moving.
Reduce your minimum time
There will be days when you may not have the energy to meet your daily minimum time. In that case, you can run for whatever time you have rather than not running at all. This can help you in staying in the swing of things because you will not miss an entire day.
Join a group
Where group motivation is concerned, the more the merrier. Set up a running schedule with one or multiple training partners. Even if you do not go on a run together on a daily basis, you can still get together a few times a week in order to ensure accountability.
Establish some goals
Think of why you are running and be precise about it. You need a specific goal, rather than a vague one because this will make it easier to break it down into small and manageable steps. This could be anything from how fast you want to run a particular distance, the amount of time you want to run in a week, or the number of days you want to go on a run.
Dress for it
Dressing for something can have a positive impact on how you see yourself and it can provide you the motivation for running. Go shopping for workout clothes and shoes that you will enjoy wearing. You can also use the athletic clothes for experimenting with different styles.
Let the music get you going
Take some time to create a playlist of your favorite tunes. Choose upbeat songs that are likely to put you in a good mood and give you the inspiration to keep moving. Only listen to those songs that can help you continue your run.
Use an app
Take advantage of a habit tracking or motivation app for staying on top of your goals. You can use them for setting reminders, connecting with like-minded people through forums and tracking your progress through graphs.