January 22, 2025
Top Stretches to Do before Bed

When people are looking for natural sleep remedies, they often overlook stretching, amongst the suggestions of diffusing essential oils and drinking chamomile tea. But, the fact is that stretching can actually help you fall asleep faster and even improve the quality of your sleep. When you stretch, you can get in touch with your body, which means you will focus your attention on your body and breathing, rather than the stressors of the day. Becoming aware of your body can help in developing mindfulness, which promotes better sleep.

There are also other potential physical benefits of stretching, such as relieving muscle tension and preventing cramps that might disrupt your sleep. However, you should bear in mind that doing the right stretches is important. You should only do gentle stretches, or else it might end up backfiring. Some of the top stretches you can do before going to bed are highlighted below.

Bear hug

Engaging in this stretch allows you to engage the trapezius and rhomboids muscles of your upper back. It is helpful in alleviating any shoulder blade discomfort and pain often caused by frozen shoulder, bursitis and poor posture.

Neck stretches

You can relieve the tension in your shoulders, neck and head with the help of these stretches. But, you should ensure that you maintain the right posture when you do these neck stretches because it can lead to injuries.

Kneeling lat stretch

This one is a resting stretch is recommended for anyone who wants to loosen the muscles in their back and shoulders, as it can help in relieving discomfort and pain.

Child’s pose

While it is similar to a kneeling lat stretch, child’s pose is actually a bit more relaxed. It is considered the perfect option when you want to reduce stress, relax your body and tune into your breath. It is also helpful in relieving tension and pain in your neck, shoulders and back.

Low lunge

You can stretch your groin, thighs and hips with this particular lunge. You can relieve the pain and tension in your chest when you open it and it also benefits your shoulders and back. It is best to stay relaxed when you are doing this stretch and there is no need to push yourself a lot because relaxing is the goal.

Seated forward bend

You can loosen up your shoulders, spine and hamstrings with this stretch and it is also good if you want to stretch your lower back.

Reclining bound angle pose

This particular stretch is a hip opener and is very relaxing because it can relieve muscle tension in your groin and hips. The stretch is particularly helpful for people who spend most of their sitting.

Legs-up-the-wall pose

Another stretch to explore is this one, which is considered restorative and can be helpful in reducing the tension in your neck, shoulders and back, all the while it promotes relaxation.

Do these stretches before you go to bed and you will be able to fall asleep quickly and enhance the quality of your sleep.