There has been a change in the fitness landscape, with people giving precedence to do-it-yourself protocols over gym memberships and using AI apps for training. While these changes are certainly good, it is essential to remember that they do not take into account all needs and limitations of individuals for developing a training structure that can fulfill their needs. If you are looking for a workout plan, there are certain details that should not be ignored. Here are some of the things that you need to consider when making a workout plan for men. Let’s take a look.
Take your commitments into consideration
A lot of men fall into the trap of becoming too ambitious, which means they strive for fitness goals that are not in line with their lifestyle. When you want to take your fitness seriously, you would have to compromise some habits you may have gotten comfortable with, such as partying every weekend, not getting enough sleep, or not eating the right foods. In addition, you will also have commitments, such as familial responsibilities, or a job. When developing a workout plan, make sure the frequency is conservative. Do not add too much on your plate because it will cause burnout.
Have reasonable expectations
You need to keep realistic fitness goals. Most people have a set range of what is possible and you need to remember that when you are setting goals. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you should aim to lose a pound per week, as long as you work on your training and nutrition. Likewise, when you want to gain muscle, your goal should be around 1 to 2 pounds a month.
Choose compound movements
Whether you want to get strong, burn fat, or build muscle, you cannot go wrong if you add most of the prime movement patterns. These include deadlifts, squats, lunges, chin-ups, rows and overhead presses. These are compound movements i.e. they use multiple muscle groups and will give you better results than isolated exercises. But, you should also customize your efforts. For instance, there are different types of deadlifts that you can do. It is suggested that you add variation and spread them throughout the week.
Do not forget to plan
Similar to improper reps, poor planning can often kill all the gains you make. The key to see results is to program your reps, sets and rest based on your goals. The plans for building mass and strength is similar, but since the latter requires lifting heavier, you should go for shorter sets so you can move more pounds and opt for longer rest for maximizing your performance. Triggering changes in metabolism is your priority when you want to lose fat, or weight. This is where a high number of reps and spiked heart rate is helpful and rest intervals are kept short. Muscle-building plans also maximize muscle stimulation with higher reps and shorter rest times. Following these plans can give you the desired results.