March 28, 2025
How to Get Bigger Arms – Quick Tips for Men

When it comes to attractiveness, the second feature that comes after flat abs are big arms. With the right fitness regimen and supplements, it is possible to get bigger biceps and triceps for a more intimidating and attractive appearance. If you want to get bigger arms, here are some quick tips you can use.

Eat more

You are not going to get bigger biceps if you do not up your food intake. You need to add on some significant mass and this means eating more than you are already, as long as you are not overweight. Boost your daily calorie intake by 500 because this will let you gain 1 pound in a week. However, you should ensure that these calories come from high-protein foods rather than unhealthy foods like candy bars. This is because protein is essential for muscle growth, so you need to eat beans, nuts, lean meats and sea food.

Take a creatine supplement

When you engage in activity that needs explosive movements, such as weight training, your body uses a lot of creatine for energy. You can do more reps if you have more creatine for the body to use. Doing additional reps can go a long way in improving your muscular development and strength. Therefore, it is a good idea to take a creatine supplement when you are interested in getting bigger arms.

Don’t ignore your triceps

Many guys who are focused on building bigger arms only work on their biceps and do not pay much attention to triceps. This is a mistake because triceps make up a big part of your arm and this means they should not be ignored. You can add triceps exercises to your workout, such as extensions and dips, which can help you in getting bigger arms and give them a complete workout.

Start lifting more weight gradually

If you continue doing what you have been doing, the results are going to be no different. If you want to see different results, then you need to do something different. This also applies to getting bigger arms. If you have been lifting dumbbells of a certain weight for a month, it is time to give yourself an upgrade. Start lifting more weight to challenge your muscles to grow. If you are unable to do the same number of sets with the new weights, you can take things slow. Let your muscles get accustomed to the changes.

Don’t forget to rest

Just because you want big arms does not mean that you need to train every day. Overtraining can actually leave you vulnerable to injury. If you hurt yourself, you will end up setting yourself back for weeks, or even months. Do not do arm workouts for more than twice a week and always rest during the week. The reality is that your muscles do most of the growing during the rest period. Thus, you should also get a good night’s sleep. A lack of rest and sleep can end up hurting your goals.