There are lots of flavorful foods around the world that are equal parts nutritious and delicious. A number of local cuisines all over the globe depend on unprocessed and natural ingredients and use time-tested preparation methods. Luckily, you do not have to jump on a plane when you want to try these dishes. Some cuisines are not only delicious, but also healthy. Listed below are some of the healthy cuisines from around the world that you can try.
Mediterranean cuisines are considered healthy and many of the ingredients they contain are used in Greek food, which include yogurt, olive oil and fresh fruit and vegetables. It should be noted that the Mediterranean diet first originated in Crete, which is the most populated and largest Greek Island. Research shows that Cretans have a lower risk of heart disease and high life expectancy as compared to many other countries, mostly because of the food they eat. Some of the Greek dishes you should try are souvlaki, grilled fish and louvi (black-eyed bean salad).
Japan has the world’s highest average life expectancy and one of the reasons behind it is the traditional Japanese diet, which is rich in fresh vegetables and seafood. Fish is considered a staple in Japanese diet and it is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Some of the Japanese food items that contain nutritious ingredients include miso soup, sashimi and veggie stir-fries. You can balance them with smaller portions of rice, noodles and fried dishes, such as tempura.
Traditional Mexican food is rich in fruits and vegetables and beans, which makes it healthy and delicious. Beans are an excellent source of micronutrients, such as zinc, potassium, iron and magnesium and are widely used in Mexican dishes. Likewise, these dishes also use chili peppers, tomatoes, corn and avocados, which are loaded with key minerals and vitamins.
Korean food is both healthy and delicious and it is becoming extremely popular nowadays. Kimchi is one of the healthiest dishes in Korean cuisine, which is a fermented vegetable dish. Not only is it considered a probiotic, but it also contains healthy ingredients, such as garlic, red pepper and ginger, which can benefit your cholesterol levels. A number of Korean dishes are made with condiments, such as gochujang, which is a fermented chili paste and can add a lot of flavor. Plus, it also boosts the bacteria in the gut. You can choose from various nutrient-rich options, including stir-fried and steamed dishes, along with rice bowls, stews and soups.
Loaded with intense flavors, Thai food contains a lot of vegetables, which makes it one of the healthiest cuisines in the world. Ginger, turmeric, chili peppers, lemongrass and coriander are the flavors and spices that make Thai food unique. Garlic and onion are also used in Thai food, both of which are known to have anti-cancer properties. When you are ordering Thai food, choose dishes that contain seafood and plenty of vegetables. Take fried rice, spring rolls and noodle-based dishes in moderation.