If you feel like you are always hungry, it might help to choose foods that can keep you full for longer. Even though it is natural for you to crave sugary foods, you should remember that these are unlikely to keep you full for long. Therefore, the best way to combat hunger is to given preference to foods that contain fiber and protein. Both these ingredients are known for reducing hunger and can also increase meal satisfaction.
The best foods to eat when you are hungry are those that have more than one filling nutrient, such as legumes that contain fiber, healthy carbs and protein. Another strategy you can use is to eat a combination of high fiber and protein foods, such as yogurt with nuts and berries.
Eat lean proteins
When you feel hungry between meals, it is usually because you are not getting enough protein. Thus, you can combat hunger pangs later in the day when you add protein to every meal. Eating less calorie-dense and high-protein foods rather than higher fat foods can keep you feeling satisfied and full for longer and also reduce your desire to snack later in the day.
It also takes your body longer to digest protein because it has to work harder to break it down. You should keep protein-packed snacks with you because they can keep you fuller than other options. If you are looking for lean protein, it is suggested that you incorporate fish in your diet. Lean ground beef, lean ground turkey and chicken breast are also some good options, as is jerky. You can go for Greek yogurt as a protein snack, or eat legumes and eggs.
Eat high-fiber foods
Fiber can be helpful for adding bulk to your meals and it is an indigestible component of plant foods. It can fill you up and slows down the digestion process, which promotes lasting feelings of fullness. Not only is it satiating, but fiber is also known to help with weight loss. Some of the best sources of fiber that you can add to your diet include passion fruit, berries, avocados, pears, chickpeas, popcorn and broccoli.
Eat complex carbs
Not only should you add protein and fiber to your diet, but you also need to eliminate foods like refined grains. These have been stripped off their fiber and are high in carbs and sugars. These might be the foods you crave when you feel hungry, but they cannot keep you satisfied for long. A good option is to round out your meals with high-volume and low-calorie veggies, such as spaghetti squash. These high-volume foods are satiating because they take up more space in your stomach.
Foods containing complex carbohydrates, such as beans, whole grains and green vegetables, are slow burners and provide your body the sustaining energy it requires. You can find complex carbs in foods like wholegrain pasta, crackers and bread, sweet potatoes, old-fashioned oats and spaghetti squash and zucchini. Many of these can also offer fiber and protein