March 28, 2025
Easy Workouts for Beginners

You do not have to engage in hard and sweaty exercise sessions when you want to reap the benefits of physical activity. As a matter of fact, when you are just starting out, it is better to opt for easy workouts that are appropriate for beginners. The best part is that these workouts can be done both indoors and outdoors, depending on your convenience.

Workouts for beginners are specifically designed to build confidence amongst newbies and create life-long habits. Beginning-level exercises can also be helpful in losing weight and getting healthy. The good thing about these easy workouts is that they do not require you to have a lot of fancy equipment and also give you the ability to adjust their intensity. Some of these easy workouts are highlighted below.

Bodyweight training

You do not require any special gym equipment to build muscles and burn calories. Do five incline push-ups, five walking lunges, five chair squats and do this sequences two to three times. It will not take you more than 10 to 15 minutes and you will done with your workout.

Chair workout

In case you are not comfortable with standing for long periods of time, you can also do a chair workout. There are plenty of seated workouts that you can do in 10 to 15 minutes several times a week.


If you want to engage in some physical activity, dancing is one option you can explore. Just put on some music and dance for 10 to 15 minutes. You do not need any choreography to do so, as the goal is to move to the music.


In case dancing is not your cup of tea, another option you can explore is shadowboxing. You do not need any equipment for this particular workout and it is also helpful in reducing your stress levels.

Stair climbing

All you have to do is take 10 minutes out of your day and walk up and down a flight of stairs. If there is no staircase available, you can use a platform or step to do so.

Aqua jogging

If you suffer from pain in the joints when you walk for an extended period of time, you can try aqua jogging, or pool running. Once you enter the water, all you have to do is walk. You can let your feet touch the bottom of the pool if you want.


Anyone who has a bike can simply take advantage of it. Just hop on it and take it for a spin around the neighborhood. In fact, it is better if you can find a continuous path that enables you to keep cycling for about 20 to 30 minutes without having to stop for traffic or lights.


Another simple exercise that every beginner can do is walking. Just go for a 30 minute workout every day. You can walk slowly for 5 minutes and walk briskly for 20 minutes. You can then cool down by walking slowly once more for 5 minutes.