Due to hectic work schedules, your body can often become stiff and lose its flexibility. Flexibility essentially refers to your ability of moving joints through a range of motion effectively. However, the stiffness in your body is likely to increase due to lack of exercise and this could result in problems. Therefore, it is vital for you to improve your body’s flexibility and this can be done by engaging in different activities. There are some specific exercises you can do for improving your flexibility. Want to know what they are? Check out some of the exercises below.
You do not have to have dedicated training when you want to enhance your body’s flexibility. Starting your day with just a few minutes of stretching can actually make a world of difference. If you engage in workouts, you should also end it with some stretching as this can improve your range of motion and also relax your muscles. You can try out different types of stretching for enhancing your flexibility, such as active isolated stretching, dynamic stretching and static stretching.
One of the best ways of enhancing your body’s flexibility is through Pilates and moves like the neck pull, spine stretch and saw can give excellent results. Even though core is the primary focus in Pilates, it can work everywhere from hips and thighs to your neck and upper back. Furthermore, it also focuses on posture and this prevents your muscles from overworking and becoming overly tight.
One of the oldest and simplest activities for improving your flexibility is yoga. There are a number of yoga poses that can be helpful in this scenario. The best part about yoga is that everyone, regardless of their age or gender can perform yoga, as it helps in keeping people energetic and young. Plus, it also helps people in staying calm and relaxed. Since it can relax your muscles, it is very effective in improving flexibility. Some of the yoga poses you can try are doorway chest stretch, downward-facing dog and Child’s pose.
Another excellent activity that can go a long way in boosting your flexibility is dancing. If you take a look at dancers, you will find that they are highly energetic and extremely flexible. Zumba is a popular dance form that is considered great for enhancing flexibility. This is because it involves movement of the entire body, from your shoulder muscles to your hip muscles.
Along with the activities outlined above, it is a good idea for people to incorporate massage in their routines. When combined with stretching, yoga or other exercises, massage can help in breaking the knots that form in your muscles and tissues, which can make them stiff and restrict movement. Massage helps in eliminating stiffness from the body, making your muscles loose and flexible. Some of the areas where the massage should focus on include the upper back, IT bands, quads, calves and lats.
With these activities, you will see a big difference in your body’s flexibility and find it easier to engage in exercise.