February 23, 2025

When you start working out, it is a given that you want to make the most of it. After all, when you are putting in so much time and effort, you definitely want to see results. You want to jump higher, run quicker, spin faster and train harder. Anyone engaging in a challenging workout would prepare themselves for it mentally, but in doing so, they often forget about preparing their body. You need to fuel the engine i.e. eat food to prepare your body for a workout.

There are certain foods that can actually assist you in maximizing the efforts you make in the gym. The dietary requirements of every individual can vary, but there are some foods that can help you combat fatigue, stave off hunger and give you energy. Some of these foods are discussed here.


Considered the power bar made by nature, bananas are loaded with potassium and carbohydrates, which are helpful in improving muscle and nerve function. 90% of the calories in bananas come from carbs that work as fuel for your body and brain.


Since they are full of fiber, carbohydrates are gradually released by oats. Thanks to this slow release, you will be able to maintain a consistent level of energy throughout your workout, which means you will be able to train harder and do it longer. In addition, oats also have Vitamin B that can be helpful in converting carbohydrates into energy. The best option are usually Irish oats because they have a lower glycemic content and are the least processed ones.

Dried fruit

If you are looking for an easy and quick pre-workout food option, you can just go with dried fruits. These can be dried figs, apricots, pineapple and berries. As they provide simple carbohydrates, they are a good option because they can be digested easily.

Trail mix

Even though the fat content in nuts may be on the higher side, but they provide the calories and protein that you need for gaining muscle mass. But, if you want to lose weight through your workout, then you should skip this option. If you are purchasing pre-prepared trail mix, then you should avoid the ones that have nuts coated with yogurt or chocolate.

Fruit and Greek yogurt

This combination is a powerful one. The Greek yogurt is packed with protein, while the fruit comes with lots of carbohydrates. As opposed to regular yogurt, the Greek one offers you lesser carbs, twice as much protein and half the sodium. This pairing is considered perfect because your body will be able to break down the carbs in the fruit quickly and use them as fuel, while the proteins in the yogurt will help in preventing muscle damage because they are stored a little longer.

Whole grain bread

A single slice of whole grain bread can give you lots of carbs. You can combine them with some hard-boiled eggs to get some protein, or consume some low-fat turkey.