Adding some stretches to your morning routine can keep you energized throughout the day. This means that you can actually skip the coffee and not have to take it until midmorning. Moreover, it also helps you begin the day with a higher level of confidence. The good news is that morning stretches do not need more than 10 minutes, depending on how long you want to stay in poses, or the number of times you want to repeat a stretch.
To put it simply, stretching can make a huge difference in how your body as well as your mind begin the day. Some of the best morning stretches you can do for starting your day are mentioned below.
Child’s pose
You can stretch out your thighs, hips, pelvis and spine gently with this restorative pose, all of which tend to be a bit tight in the morning. It can feel great, especially if you have slept in a twisted position. Plus, it is also helpful in relieving fatigue and stress and calming the brain, thereby helping you start the day on the right foot. This pose lengthens your gluteus maximus, hamstrings, spinal extensors, piriformis and other rotators.
When you do these two poses together, you can boost the circulation of the spinal fluid. This will help in stretching your torso and back, lubricating the spine and massage the organs in the abdominal area gently. These are great for helping you wake up and begin the rest of your day. This move helps in moving your spine and releasing tension not just in your spine, but also your abdominal, arm and back muscles.
Downward-facing dog
Since it is a mild inversion, this pose is an excellent one to try out in the morning. It helps in calming your brain, resetting your nervous system and energizing the body. It is also helpful in relieving fatigue and dealing with sciatica. Those suffering from back problems that disturb their sleep and leaves them tired and achy can give this pose a try. It will actively work on your core, wrists, shoulders and arms and also stretches your calves, spine and hamstrings.
One-legged dog
You can open up your hips and side body with this pose and it also helps in quieting the mind, while giving your confidence a boost due to which it is considered a good addition to your morning practice. You can stretch the hamstrings, side body and hip flexors with this pose and it can also strengthen your arms.
Warrior I
This is a standing pose that is also known as ‘power pose’, which increases focus, flexibility in hips, boosts your confidence and energizes the entire body. This pose can strengthen your legs, back, shoulders, arms and ankles. Warrior I can help increase circulation and opens up your lungs, chests and hips.
Mountain Pose
Even though it seems like a simple pose, it can work wonders for your confidence and posture. It engages a variety of muscles in your core, legs, torso and arms.