One of nature’s best snacks that are packed with fiber, vitamin and various other nutrients are fruits and they can support a healthy diet. They also tend to be low in calories due to which they can be very helpful in promoting weight loss. Eating fruits can lead to a lower risk of diabetes, cancer, blood pressure and heart disease and can also reduce weight. Some of the best fruits you can eat for weight loss are highlighted below.
Widely associated with weight loss and dieting, this fruit is a cross between an orange and pomelo. It has very little calories and also contains Vitamin C and A. Since it has a low glycemic index, it releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can protect against heart disease and diabetes. You can eat grapefruit on its own, or it can also be used in salads and other dishes.
High in fiber and low in sugar, apples are also a great fruit for supporting weight loss. They comprise of polyphenols that can help in preventing fat accumulation. Apple peel also contains beneficial compounds and antioxidants that can reduce the risk of obesity. It is best to eat an apple whole for reducing appetite and hunger, rather than consuming apple juice. There are a number of ways you can enjoy apples. You can add them to yogurt, cold and hot cereals, salads, stews, or bake them.
Considered a powerhouse of nutrients, berries are also low in calories. They can provide you with a number of nutrients, such as manganese, vitamin K and vitamin C. Plus, they are also highly filling and can help in decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol levels and can also reduce inflammation. You can add frozen or fresh berries to yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast, mix them into baked goods, add them in a salad, or blend in a healthy smoothie.
Stone fruits
Also called drupes, stone fruits refer to the group of seasonal fruits that have a pit, or stone on the inside and a fleshy exterior. These include cherries, peaches, apricots, plums and nectarines. They are low in calories, but are rich in various nutrients, including Vitamin A and C, and this makes them great for people who want to lose weight. As compared to packaged food snacks, stone fruits prove to be a more nutrient-dense and filling option. You can consume them fresh, add them to salads, grill or add them to savory dishes such as stews, or mixed into a porridge.
Passion fruit
Originating in South Africa, passion fruit grows on a flowering vine. There is a pulpy and edible seed mass inside, but the outer rind is tough, which can be yellow or purple. Even though it is a small fruit, it contains a lot of dietary fiber. Fiber is helpful in slowing down the digestion process, which helps you feel full for longer and also keeps your appetite under control. You can consume it whole for weight loss, added to drinks, or used as a filling, or topping for desserts.