When you feel stressed, it is only natural to want relief. Occasional bouts of stress are not that easy to avoid, but chronic stress can have a serious impact on your mental and physical health. In fact, it can increase your risk of conditions, such as depression and heart disease. The good news is that there are certain foods you can eat for relieving stress. Some of the best ones that you can add to your diet are listed as follows.
Matcha powder
Health enthusiasts love this vibrant green tea powder because it is loaded with L-theanine, a non-protein amino acid that comes with powerful stress-relieving properties. As compared to other types of green tea, matcha is an excellent source of this amino acid because it is made from green tea leaves that are grown in shade. Thanks to this process, the quantity of certain compounds like L-theanine increases.
Swiss chard
This leafy green vegetable comes with a high number of stress-fighting nutrients. It comprises of magnesium, which plays a key role in the stress response of your body. Low levels of magnesium can lead to panic attacks and anxiety. Chronic stress reduces magnesium stores in the body, so it is essential to increase its intake in order to combat stress.
Sweet potatoes
You can reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, when you consume nutrient rich and whole carb sources like sweet potatoes. Even though cortisol levels in the body are tightly regulated, people can suffer from cortisol dysfunction due to chronic stress. This can lead to pain, inflammation and other adverse effects. Sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients that are necessary for stress response, such as potassium and Vitamin C.
A fermented vegetable dish, kimchi is made with daikon and napa cabbage. Such fermented foods are loaded with beneficial bacteria called probiotics that are high in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Fermented foods are helpful in reducing anxiety and stress. Probiotic-rich foods like kimchi interact with gut bacteria that have a direct impact on your mood, thereby benefiting your mental health.
Fiber is one of the top ingredient in artichokes and they are particularly rich in prebiotics, which are a type of fiber that promotes friendly bacteria in the gut. Artichokes contain prebiotics like fructooligosaccharides that can help reduce stress levels. Depression and anxiety symptoms also improve and the risk of stress is reduced with these prebiotics. Apart from that, artichokes are also high in Vitamin K and C, magnesium and potassium, all of which are needed for a healthy stress response.
Organ meats
An excellent source of B vitamins like B6, B12 and folate and riboflavin, can be found in organ meats, which include the kidneys, liver and heart of animals like chicken and cows. These are vital for stress control. B vitamins help in producing neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which are helpful in mood regulation. Eating organ meats, or taking B vitamins can help in reducing stress levels.
Along with these foods, you can also use eggs, shellfish, fatty fish, garlic, parsley, sunflower seeds, tahini, chickpeas, broccoli, chamomile tea, blueberries and acerola cherry powder for relieving stress.