Watching TV is a favorite pastime of people and it is considered a great way to relax and unwind at the end of the day. But, if you have a sedentary job and want to move more, there are some exercises you can do while watching TV. Not only can you increase your daily activity, but it also offers you the chance to work on different aspects of your fitness, such as boosting strength. When you decide to exercise while watching TV, the good news is that you do not need to move the entire time for increasing your activity. You can take breaks, or do the more vigorous activity during commercial breaks. But, do not forget to warm up before you start because you want your body to be prepared.
Some of the best exercises you can do while watching TV are highlighted below.
Lower body exercises
There are several lunge variations you can try out. This exercise is considered a good option for toning and tightening your thighs, core, calves and glutes. Moreover, doing lunges can also give your heart rate a boost, so you can burn more fat and calories. It is best to start doing lunges without weights and then you can add them when you want to up the challenge a bit.
Upper body exercises
In order to work on your upper body, it is recommended that you do push-up variations while watching TV. If you think push-ups are too hard, then you can find plenty of variations that can help you get stronger and eventually, you will be able to do a full push-up. If you have not done an upper body workout before, it is best for you to begin with doing push-ups against the wall. Once you have mastered this one, you can move onto the incline push-up. Eventually, you can move to a full push-up on the floor.
Strengthen your core
It is also possible to work on your core when you are watching TV. While it is a straightforward part of your TV workout, it is certainly not easy. If you want strong and functional abs, it is suggested that you do a basic plank exercise. You can support your weight on your hands, or you can also put your weight on the elbows to do a plank. In the beginning, you may not be able to hold onto a plank for long, but there is nothing wrong with that. With some consistency and practice, you will be able to hold the plank for longer.
Move during breaks
When there is a commercial breaks, it is a good idea to keep moving. Do some quick cardio because it gives your heart rate a boost and helps you burn calories and fat. March in place, or run up and down the stairs. If you have the space, you can also jump rope. When you increase your daily movement, you will be able to give your fitness a boost and also balance your weight easily.