March 29, 2025

Every now and then, we all end up eating too much on a special occasion, which leaves us feeling bloated, sleepy, lethargic, and overly stuffed.

If you overeat once in a blue moon, then you have nothing to worry about. However, if you feel uncomfortable symptoms after every meal you have, then you might be a chronic overeater.

Overeating has several consequences, including high cholesterol, weight gain, high blood pressure, and various heart diseases. If you want to be safe from these health issues, you need to be aware of all the signs of overeating.

Let’s take a look at some of these.

1. You Eat With Distractions

TV dinners are a nostalgic thing of the past and have become a part of your regular routine, which is not good for you. the same applies to browsing social media feeds or reading posts while you have your meals.

Experts believe that being distracted during meals can lead to mindless eating. As a result, you cannot remember cues of fullness and hunger and are unable to pay attention to how much food is going into your body.

2. You Abstain From Some Foods

Most diet plans require you to restrict particular foods or completely abstain from them. While these diet plans could help you shred some weight temporarily, they could bring back unwanted pounds with a vengeance.

Moreover, restricting some foods prevents you from finding satisfaction in your meals, which often leads to overeating.

3. You Use Food As A Coping Mechanism

Some people tend to turn away food when they are grieving or stressed, while others use it as a source of comfort. If you belong to the latter, it is likely that you are using different types of food to bring back childhood memories or a sense of stability to deal with hardships.

In addition, when food becomes a constant emotional support or clutch, the frequency of overeating also increases.

4. You Eat Out More Than At Home

Dining out is an experience that most people enjoy. However, what many do not know is that it is one of the signs of overeating. This is because when you eat out, you want to try a little bit of everything, and the breadbasket is very tempting.

Moreover, the portions are larger, and it is difficult to say no to dessert at the end of the meal. But when you eat at home, controlling portions is entirely up to you.

5. You Avoid Social Gatherings Involving Food

Do you experience shame or guilt whenever you eat around others? If yes, then it is possible that you tend to overeat when alone. It is highly possible that you socially isolate yourself to avoid eating with others mainly because you fear losing control of eating.

Furthermore, you could also be afraid of being judged for how much you eat. As a result, you inadvertently perpetuate a cycle of deprivation, which leads to overeating.

Everyone tends to overeat on different occasions, and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you are being kind to yourself. If you can relate to the signs above, you should try to understand the primary issue that causes you to seek comfort in food and get the help you may need.